What does an ecosystem of support look like for visionary dreamings where the resources circulate to all the places they are needed?

There used to be a role here.

An acknowledgement of ritual.

An initiatory journey into sacred embodiment.

There is still an echoing call.

Calling in the passion projects, the epic book-visions, the performances-that-are-secretly-rituals, the liberatory transformative healing curriculums, the ecstatic art installations, the movements towards relational remediation, the creations for ecological intimacy, the visionary ancestral dreamings that are woven of collective threads so much older than your life. Calling in the projects that don’t know if they can ever find a home within the industry that defines how your work should be…the projects that feel both vast and primordial in ways that refuse to be compromised by commodification.

So much of neurodivergence and sensitivity is Ritual Consciousness that is looking for a context to exist inside of . . .

The Mundane Mycelium Membership is a space for attuning to practices of perception that have been foundational for the majority of our animist ancestors. These kinds of embodied relationality are the building blocks of ritual and culture, reweaving the relational feedback loops that have been severed by systems of domination.

Masquerading as an online membership community potentiated through live events over zoom, the Mycelium lives within the subtle field weaving space of the internet, embodying an ordinary invitation into the warping of space-time through the gathering of video recordings and written sharings over so many distances and moments.

We are co-creating a resonant field space in which we can practice deepening our relationship to embodied center and creative agency within wider ecological and ancestral fields of support.

This next six months in the Mycelium, we will be exploring the process of Primal Becoming through experiential relationship with the Nornir, primordial pattern beings who tend the roots of the tree of life.

"Ecosystem Spoons" are the relational pathways of support that are often numbed or hidden within habituated sensing.

We are living in a society where there is a near-universal deficit of "spoons," as people are navigating exhaustion within a dominant culture shaped by overriding the discernment of the body, dissociating from the wider contexts of our relatedness, and feeling immense isolation because of a lack of authentic nutrients.

The Ecosystem Spoons Course emerged out of a year of intensive practice with an online somatic support group for people who are living with energetic sensitivity, chronic illness, and/or neurodiversity that requires them to slow down to a different rhythm of reality underneath the pushing through of the dominant culture.

Through sensing into pathways of support beyond the rational human mind, Ecosystem Spoons offers an embodied experience of the way that perception can begin to shift when a wider sense of holding is possible.

Through over 9 hours of course materials, with bioavailable nutrients easily metabolizable in 10-30 minute recordings, Ecosystem Spoons will start to teach your nervous system to access primordial nourishment through simple perceptual and expressive practices.

Give the Gift of Spoons

"Underneath the underneath is the place where realities connect, where gravity curls inwards to embrace remembering, where you will know the clear tangibility of truth only through its intersections with others’ risking story. Narrative disintegrates into this primal sea awash with storm wrecked certainties and decomposing paradoxes. The truth is in the in between, vibrating between intricate patterns of crossed threads, order springing from the touched places resonating across distance into trust."

Long Body Prayers: An Animist Oracle